Holistic Healing Solutions For
The COVID-19 Vaccine Injured 

A conversation with Dr. Christiane Northrup about how to improve your health using a holistic approach.

With her decades of experience as a physician, author and expert in "all that can go right with women's bodies", Dr. Northrup will discuss holistic approaches for healing of the mind, body and soul. She will lend her expertise to help people on their healing journeys.

  • How taking care of your overall health can help your body recover from disease and injury 
  • ​Different health strategies targeting the specific injuries induced by the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Discussions with the vaccine injured to explore holistic health strategies

Length: 1:15h


The proceeds will support the
#canwetalkaboutit campaign

Millions of people worldwide have suffered adverse reactions from the COVID-19 shots.

The denial and silence around the COVID-19 vaccine injury threatens the rights to informed consent and bodily autonomy. These numbers are growing rapidly and we are yet to witness the long term effects of these injections.

  • The US Vaccine Adverse Events Report System (VAERS) currently shows over 1.2 Million adverse events
  • The European Adverse Events Report System has recorded 1.4 Million adverse reactions

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to support the #CanWeTalkAboutIt campaign?

Meet the moderators
Agnieszka Wilson
Agnieszka Wilson is a mother, social entrepreneur & humanitarian. With over 10 years of experience working for the non-profit sector as well as the United Nations on post-conflict, disarmament, human rights and gender-related issues her experience and expertise involve project management, coordination, advocacy, global training, events and communications.
Maureen McDonnell Is the founder and Executive Director of MillionsAgainstMandates.org. She has been a holistic, pediatric, nutritionally- oriented Nurse for over four decades. Maureen & her colleagues in MAMM are dedicated to educating, equipping & empowering MILLIONS to advance health freedom & develop a better future! 
Meet the experts
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Christiane Northrup, M.D., visionary pioneer in women’s health, is a board-certified OB/GYN with more than thirty years of clinical experience, former assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, and three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age. 

Internationally known for her empowering approach, Dr. Northrup embraces medicine that acknowledges the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit, and teaches women to create health by tuning into their inner wisdom. After decades spent transforming women’s understanding of their sacred bodies and processes, Dr. Northrup now teaches women to thrive at every stage of life. 
Meet the vaccine injured
Gloria SharlEIN
After taking two shots of Pfizer, Gloria has suffered severe health issues. Some examples are: Irregular menstrual cycle, double menstrual cycles, extreme pain in ovaries, high blood pressure and heart palputations. She is now on the journey of recovering - after starting to get the right treatment.
Brittany Galvin
Brittany got the Moderna vaccines in march and may 2021 in order to get back to work. After 4 hospital trips, 23 doctors and more than 25 out of hospital appointments, she was diagnosed with vaccine induced Guillain barre syndrome, neuropathic pots, gastroparesis, memory loss, pericarditis, and much more. 
Georgia-Rose SegAl
Georgia is a 35 year old woman from Hertfordshire, UK, who previously worked in the music industry. Fit, healthy, loves to walk her dogs, exercise and ride horses. Since taking her second Pfizer shot she has experienced a huge range of symptoms. Notably lack of use in her legs suffering from severe un-coordination, body tremors, brain fog, memory issues, facial paralysis, and hypersensitivity to noise and light, to name but a small few. All things she had never had or experienced previously to taking the shot. 
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